Kerry Strachan
Bowen therapist
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Remedial Massage Therapist
I’m very pleased and grateful to be offering consultations at Barker street massage- a truly nurturing environment
Clinical Hypnotherapy and Bowen Therapy are my focus
I have over 15 years experience with both modalities as well as a strong background in remedial massage.
The bodywork I offer now tends to be of a more intuitive nature drawing on the many aspects of healing I’ve been drawn to over the years Treatments include remedial techniques, Bowen Therapy, movement, and energetic relaxation modalities I find that a combination of approaches developed over many years has led me to develop a deeply relaxing and therapeutic treatment to reduce pain and improve mobility Regular treatments help to maintain a wonderful sense of emotional and physical wellbeing
Clients report an awareness of having experienced an energetic shift after a treatment,whether it’s hypnosis or bodywork, to a more calm and present way of being with themselves
So often how we feel physically relates directly to our emotional state and vice versa. Both modalities allow for that overlap in a way that can feel liberating and powerful
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way to make changes in our emotional state and to release behaviors that no longer serve us well. You may be aware of a pattern that continues to sabotage your sense of well being. Hypnosis offers clients the keys to unlock a new way of being with themselves in a more fulfilling and positive way - I’ve seen this happen so many times with clients of all ages over the years that I’ve been privileged to do this work
The applications are infinite.
My experience supporting clients with Weight management and the release of addictive behaviors has shown me just how life changing a positive mindshift can be. Enjoying life without being limited by anxiety and unhelpful fears is another area I have helped many clients to achieve Anxiety often underlies so many issues that clients present with eg
sleep difficulties
fear of flying
public speaking
low self esteem
finding life purpose
It doesn’t need to be this way. Imagine what your life would be like without those limitations
If there’s something that you feel ready to change and would like more information I’m happy to have a brief phone chat about your particular issue
The good health and wellbeing of my clients is the top priority in all of my treatments. Everyone is treated with respect and compassion and given my full attention without judgment
I look forward to meeting you at Barker Street Massage.

ISBT Bowen therapist
Clinical Hypnotherapist AHA
Remedial Massage Therapist MMA
B Education Melbourne
Private health fund rebates may apply